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Imram Kriya 1 month ago

How to regain your strength?

A detailed answer to this question is given in the new article by Master Imram on the website Imram-Kriya.com. From the article you will learn how to transform the physical body and how not to lose energy while sleeping and awake.

“There are special techniques for replenishing ojas, that is, the life force that is given us from Above…When we inhale, some balloon inflates, figuratively speaking, the shell of the balloon is oxygen, but all the inner filling of this balloon is prana. An ordinary person thinks that he inhales oxygen, in reality this is not the case, because in addition to oxygen there are a lot of other elements that we inhale…”.


The article “How to regain strength” and other health-related articles are available on the Imram-Kriya.com website.

To read the article follow the link

#strength #ojas #selfawareness #consciousness #hapiness #imramkriya #masterimram #kriyayoga

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