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Imram Kriya 7 months ago

Master Imram attends Yoga and Spirituality Conference in Switzerland’s Davos

On July 5, Master Imram spoke at a significant press conference on yoga and spirituality in the Swiss town of Davos. The event, organised by Anna Stukkert, President of the International Investment Congress Awards, focused on the role of spirituality in the modern world.

During the conference, held in a friendly environment, Imram shared profound insights on the power of intention and thought; spoke of the importance of practicing yoga in forming positive mindset, mental and physical well-being; emphasized the relevance of the Science of Kriya in doing so.

Imram shared a stage with some other speakers, who unveiled their experiences in following the path of Kriya, including Anna Stukkert; Regina Kulikova, a former world’s top 60 tennis player; Diana Gurska, a co-organizer of Imram Kriya events.

The conference was also attended by H.E. Ngurah Swajaya, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia to the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein, who contemplated on the synergy of spirituality and globalization, and spoke of the role of Indonesia in setting the spiritual culture worldwide.

The conference was covered by a number of media outlets, including Yahoo Finance, Washington Morning, Asian Morning, The Morning Herald, Daily Sports Global, Future Science Today, among others.

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