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На каком языке вы хотите изучать материалы
Imram Kriya 6 months ago


Passive yoga is when you are reading books, listening to some lecturers, analysing, sitting on a sofa, maybe in an armchair, maybe on the road, listening to some lectures through headphones. That is passive yoga. Active yoga is when you consciously perform actions and have a great desire to achieve a result. Without that result, nothing happens. If there is no result, there is no personal experience — that’s it. It is just information then. When Imram tells you something, you listen — it is information for you until you start to act. When you take action, you gain experience.

When you take action, when you gain experience, your personal experience became your treasure. So you actually get the result. Then he will stop coming to you in nightmares and saying, “Get up, you have to study”. Some people complain about that.



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Friends, we invite you to a weekly online meditation, which takes place every Saturday free of charge. This is a great opportunity to start regular practice. To register follow the link.

We wish you success in practice and to gain personal experience!

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