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Imram Kriya 1 month ago

The premiere of the interview “Pertinent questions for Imram. Part 1” is today!

Join us on the Imram Kriya – Yoga YouTube channel at 5 PM UTC.

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Imram does not talk about himself much – he is not interested in that. He usually speaks about us, the necessity of self-discovery and and deeper understanding, about how to embark on this path and continue along it.

Master’s focus is on helping and guiding others, not on self-talking. However, over the years of being a Kriya Master, being engaged in public activities, social media and often appeared in the information field, his audience accumulated many personal questions for Imram. Someone had to voice them, and such a person was found.

The one who dares to ask Imram these probing questions is not only a long-time friend but also an experienced interviewer. He is – Ilyas Akhmedov, Ilyas compiled the most frequently asked, sometimes blunt, cynical, and “simple” questions from social media comments and posed them with a refreshing combination of directness and warmth.

The interview touches on topics ranging from “Who are you, really?” and “How is it possible to eat only once a day?” to “What is it like to be in the state of Samadhi? What’s it like on the inside?”

Throughout the conversation Imram, strong and composed, does not shy away from any question. “Rather, he responds with kindness and simplicity, whether discussing cosmic matters, finances or even TikTok, all from the profound depths of his inner wisdom, his internal Himalayas.

This dialogue reveals insights that seasoned Kriya Yoga practitioners and advanced disciples may find reminiscent of their early teachings. Yet, these answers are essential for those who are not yet practicing or initiated, as they provide the foundational knowledge needed to start their journey.

Friends, we look forward to seeing everyone at the premiere! Feel free to ask questions in the comments, engage, and share your thoughts in the chat.

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