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Imram Kriya 6 months ago

This is the story of a rural teacher who shares with us how, despite being in a wheelchair with a fracture, he was able to easily endure a challenging period by seeing the circumstances as an opportunity. Instead of claiming “why?”, he asked himself “what for?”. He dedicated this time to reading spiritual literature, practicing meditation, and believing in himself. As a result, Oleg’s condition improved faster than the doctors had anticipated.

Watch this exciting story today at 3 PM UTC on the Imram Kriya – Yoga YouTube channel.

Oleg shared how, during mini-retreat, he found new friends and like-minded individuals, and how he felt happy with the events unfolding in his life.

He admiringly remarked that even before he could attend the retreat, he had already found answers to many questions through watching the Master’s videos. At the end of the conversation, our hero shared the life purpose that resonated in his heart.

“Kriya Yoga is the study of oneself. Not just the body, but the Soul. For me, it is a research endeavor. I discover things within myself that help me in life, revealing my good qualities, which brings joy to me and my loved ones. Listen to your heart. All the answers can be found through self-exploration. Every person is perfect; you just need to pay attention to it.”

Follow the link to watch the video

May this story inspire us to continue the most important exploration in life – the study of oneself and bringing out the best within us.

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