Weekly events
Why Is It Important to Respect Parents? How to Quit Smoking? How Important Are Morality and Ethics in the Modern World?
Watch the premiere today at 8 PM UTC on the Imram Kriya – Yoga YouTube channel!
Follow the link to watch
In this satsang recorded during a recent retreat Imram shares profound insights on core values and personal transformation.
- Parents disapprove of their child’s practice. Does the practice affect the parents?
- What are the most effective ways to help others?
- What is universal law, and how can one align with it?
- How to quit smoking? Why do people smoke and drink alcohol?
- Attachment and freedom. What can one become attached to?
Imram will talk about the origins of Kriya Yoga and share stories about Shiva and Parvati, Sai Baba, and Jesus.
Friends, see you today at 8 PM UTC on the Imram Kriya – Yoga YouTube channel! Share your comments and ask your questions!
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