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Auto-suggestion during practice sessions


15 May 2024

From birth, we learn our first native language from parents who not only speak it to us but eventually teach us to speak it ourselves. This language is connected to our DNA. Words we hear as kids influence our thinking and shape who we become. Words possess the power to both destroy and create, capable of altering our states and enhancing our lives.

The impact of neurolinguistic, or verbal, influence on the brain is profoundly strong. Now, we are witnessing the emergence of various new words. Lacking true meaning, they are neither here nor there. As we begin to assign meanings to these words, those meanings start to impact our lives. This is because meanings influence our unconscious mind, thereby shaping our surrounding reality. I believe that language should not be distorted.

The language in which we think and speak holds immense power. What we say here and now is more important than what we merely contemplate.

When you speak, say only what is good.

Speak with the expectation that your words will come true, so you won’t regret them later. Especially for those who practise meditation, and particularly for Masters, it is crucial to be very mindful of their words, as “in the beginning was the Word.”

Transformative power of words

We are all subject to the influence of symbols. Symbols convey meanings. The entire world is hypnotised through the power of meanings. We are continuously being programmed, and we constantly programme ourselves as well. These programmes accompany us throughout our lives.

Parents often say to their children, “Do not run, you will fall down.” To a child, a parent is almost like God on Earth. They feel a profound connection with the one who gave them life, especially with their mother, and are continually hypnotised by their parents and those around them.  Let’s consider another example: I sense weakness in my body. Why has this weakness arisen? Because I allowed this possibility. This is a form of self-programming.

As we walk down the street, we are influenced by everything around us: the people we pass, images, advertisements, and various signs. Our consciousness absorbs all this information, which is then sorted, filtered, and often discarded. This can result in disturbing dreams, unexpected negative thoughts, and other unsettling experiences.

Throughout life, each person accumulates a considerable baggage of beliefs—both those imposed by others and those we form for ourselves. Overcoming these can take many years. We begin to seek methods and techniques that can cancel out or transform our previous negative programmes.

To reprogramme yourself and set new guidelines for your subconscious, you can utilise the principle of auto-suggestion, which also operates through the power of words. In other words, you persuade yourself of who you want to become or what you wish to achieve. This principle forms the foundation for many different systems. For example, there are monks in China and Tibet who practise auto-suggestion by identifying themselves with an image they aspire to and aligning themselves with that ideal.

Forms of auto-suggestion

One of the most powerful forms of auto-suggestion is singing. Many people are unaware that they might enjoy or even be capable of singing. Singing can be likened to meditation.

When a person sings, they programme themselves for positivity.

I’m not referring to melancholic songs that deepen feelings of sadness. Some individuals, especially the young, facing unfulfilled love, often gravitate towards songs that deepen their depressive state. This too is a form of programming.

It’s important to remember that music has a profound influence on our consciousness. When a person listens to cheerful and inspiring music, their entire system undergoes a positive transformation.

Energisation in a sitting posture, which we practise at Kriya Yoga seminars, is a fundamental technique of Kriya and also serves as a form of auto-suggestion. By developing a special perception of their body parts and distinct components of their consciousness, and awakening a heightened awareness, one begins to view their body in a new light and changes their attitude towards their body temple.

The method of auto-suggestion and the power of words are also employed by some scholars. For instance, I recommend exploring the phrases offered by Academician Sytin, who developed the method of healing attitudes. He was well-known throughout the Soviet Union. Sytin utilised auto-suggestion formulas that aid people in a variety of situations.


When a person practises Kriya-nidra, achieving a state of perfection and affirming it, they are also applying the principle of auto-suggestion. You may say,

“I am aware of my leg, I realise that it is not merely a limb, but the highest power manifested in the form of a leg.”

Will your leg remain weak after that? Weakness stems from the weakness of the brain, and the brain’s weakness—the poor transmission of impulses—originates from its lack of understanding of its own nature and identity. As it has no clear goal or developmental tasks, the brain weakens.

To attain perfection, we must rewrite our life programme, which requires changing our attitude towards ourselves. To transform our attitude towards ourselves, it is essential to learn to love and accept ourselves as embodiments of creative power. At that point, we can say that we are practising auto-suggestion, which is essentially a form of meditation.

People do not always fully grasp what meditation is. Some people meditate on emptiness. But who are you within this emptiness? Where will you arrive?Where will you be? Meditation is what moulds you and shapes your consciousness. If you meditate on emptiness, you dissolve into it and cease to exist. Therefore, I recommend that those who are not deeply and professionally involved in yoga practise meditation on a specific image.

If you aspire to be healthy, it is important to incorporate good health into the new image of yourself. Choose words that directly reflect the concept of health, longevity, progress, or prosperity that you want to cultivate in your consciousness. Meditate on the image you aspire to and desire to shape, the image that is closest to you.

Master Imram 

#autoselfsuggestion #programming #affirmations #positivity


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