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Imram Music
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I sing for the Creator, for the Creator inside every person

Each piece is a joy that I want to share with the listener, always a new joy.
Music can eliminate all problems of the body and mind, it awakens the dormant spiritual
potential of the listener and fills the heart with Love.
Each piece is a joy
that I want to share with the listener,
always a new joy.
September 12, 2021

The beautiful Legacy of ancient times, the precious remnants that are a proof of the knowledge of the ancients..... There, in that art - is an echo of the deep comprehension of nature, magic and the human heart, of confronting darkness and ultimately rising above it....

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The beautiful Legacy of ancient times, the precious remnants that are a proof of the knowledge of the ancients..... There, in that art - is an echo of the deep comprehension of nature, magic and the human heart, of confronting darkness and ultimately rising above it....

Time to Create
August 22, 2021

It's time to Create, time to build... time to wake up through creativity... It's time to become a child, to be like children... pure...

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It's time to Create, time to build... time to wake up through creativity... It's time to become a child, to be like children... pure...

Memory of Voice
August 8, 2021

The Memory of the Voice of existence itself, the memory of Life… Memories-Dreams ... Everything is in the Present...

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The Memory of the Voice of existence itself, the memory of Life… Memories-Dreams ... Everything is in the Present...

Rainbow of the Moon
May 3, 2021

The moon in the sky, its magnetism and mystery always evokes special mystical experiences... This "moon rainbow" accompanies us all our lives, awakening in us the feeling of something mysterious…

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The moon in the sky, its magnetism and mystery always evokes special mystical experiences... This "moon rainbow" accompanies us all our lives, awakening in us the feeling of something mysterious…

Rain Meditation
April 11, 2021

Listen to the rain..... Listen to yourself ...

Hear the sensations and enjoy the silence within....
Living through the Experience of the past and the Joy of the present.....

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Listen to the rain..... Listen to yourself ...

Hear the sensations and enjoy the silence within....
Living through the Experience of the past and the Joy of the present.....

March 7, 2021

Magnetar is a neutron star that has an exceptionally strong magnetic attraction....the external manifestation of the Inner Spiritual Magnet that attracts and supports all the particles of this world....

Everything is attracted to the One.....

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Magnetar is a neutron star that has an exceptionally strong magnetic attraction....the external manifestation of the Inner Spiritual Magnet that attracts and supports all the particles of this world....

Everything is attracted to the One.....

Strange Dream
February 28, 2021

Strange Dream is an experience of a Soul trapped in the realm of the unconscious. Feelings, emotions, sometimes chaos, but then finding yourself and entering a state of self-awareness and peace, reaching the level of self-acceptance and understanding…

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Strange Dream is an experience of a Soul trapped in the realm of the unconscious. Feelings, emotions, sometimes chaos, but then finding yourself and entering a state of self-awareness and peace, reaching the level of self-acceptance and understanding…

Legend of the Caucasus
December 27, 2020

The cultural heritage of the Caucasus - valor and honor, keeping the traditions - has been passed on into the modern era as well...

The mysticism of the ancient Teaching of the Caucasus is also present in our lives... Eternal Knowledge, beyond time...

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The cultural heritage of the Caucasus - valor and honor, keeping the traditions - has been passed on into the modern era as well...

The mysticism of the ancient Teaching of the Caucasus is also present in our lives... Eternal Knowledge, beyond time...

Colors of the Space
December 20, 2020

The Space of the Universe, with its countless worlds and diversity of life is permeated by the One, the One without the other...

All the creations of the cosmos vibrate, emitting myriad shades of Sound and Light... The beauty of the inner cosmos reflects the space of the outer...

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The Space of the Universe, with its countless worlds and diversity of life is permeated by the One, the One without the other...

All the creations of the cosmos vibrate, emitting myriad shades of Sound and Light... The beauty of the inner cosmos reflects the space of the outer...

Imram's Works

Fusion Meditation Concert

Imram is a composer, musician, singer and multi-instrumentalist. His music is born out of the subtle world of ideas that carry the spirit of high creativity.

Music connects the human soul with the Soul of the Universe by bringing the Higher into the consciousness and into our lives. It is thus essential to listen to spiritual transformation music. It is one of the best ways to achieve the highest levels of self-realisation.


Amazing transformations of consciousness occur at Imram’s concerts and online performances, through the transcendental transfer of the Idea through sound, and the presence of the Higher.

This is an opportunity to journey within yourself in quite a short length of time, where everyone can hear the sound of their True Self and see the Light of Transformative Joy.

The healing alchemy of Ascension takes place at the level of quanta, atoms and cells, when the divine Sound reaches the heart. When you are present in these vibrations, you ascend spiritually and free yourself from the shackles of Karma.

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Beautiful music always awakens the Soul and shows us humankind's divine nature!

Since 2004, Imram has held more than 50 concerts in various cities in Russia and overseas, from Moscow and St. Petersburg to the Urals and Siberia, in Ukraine, Spain, India and Latvia.

Imram’s live concerts and online performances are a flood of mighty energy, of all-filling and inspiring Power. The audience interprets the state they enter during concerts in different ways, calling it a “flow of Love” or “immersion into meditation”.

Every concert is a Blessing of the Creator, His soul-healing touch…

Music is the vibration of the Higher

Everything is permeated with sounds. The movement of planets creates the ‘music of the spheres’, while the movement of electrons creates sounds. The processes taking place in the human mind and the Cosmic Consciousness create vibrations. The planes of the universe and the planes of consciousness are characterised by varying levels of vibration of Light and Sound.

Sounds, images and vibrations are different aspects of the same Flow of Being, which manifests itself in different ways and with different levels of intensity, depending on the plane.

The lower the evolutionary plane of consciousness, the more fragmented the sound vibrations, flashes of light, creatures and forces. The higher the evolutionary plane of consciousness, the more voluminous, harmonious, consistent and inspiring the vibrations become.

Imram's music is an immersion into the World of unity and harmony...

The music must match the rhythms or vibrations of Love. These are special spiritual frequencies. The emitted frequencies of Knowledge, Love, Light and Purity of the intention-idea (Unity with the Creator) cover the low frequencies of fear and chaos.

In the future, all humanity must move to the level of generating higher frequencies in all realities, from the third and higher. This is the Quantum transition of Earth and its humanity from fear, uncertainty, cruelty and chaos to another reality of Light and Love.

The main purpose of music is the spiritual transformation of a person.


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We are happy to present the new album on Imram Music's - SAISHVARI.

Ancient lyrics in modern sound, high idea, purity of flow – Imram's music inspires and reminds us of important things …

"Every person in this life needs faith, relying on "something", he initially believes in "that"… But eventually, everyone realizes that there is Someone, Who is always with us… And that makes people's lives more beautiful…

Devotion to the Supreme! The one true feeling that turns our life into "continuous beautiful bhajan..."

Master Imram

Themes from another world, V.2
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Themes from another world (Vol. 2) is an opportunity to comprehend those "unreal realities" that are present in the Master's mind...

The compositions of this album were written by the Master in a spiritual state, they are spontaneous and carry special vibrations. Spiritual Images, which were broadcasted while playing, are capable of evoking experiences in the listeners, awakening the "subtle strings of the Soul".

Themes from another world, V.1
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This music doesn’t resonate with this world. Nowadays, in the modern world, people mainly listen to rap, hip-hop, rough sounds. But these piano compositions are associated with your Soul, they are associated with silence, peace, space.


We are open to new ideas, joint projects, concerts and events. We love music and art, and are ready to consider your suggestions.

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To arrange concerts, interviews or events, please contact us directly on
+7 905 460-29-91
We are happy to answer any other questions by email at
[email protected]


Iva Dikova
11 months ago

Inspirational , great many thanks to Mariam, Imram snd team

Дерiга Свiтлана
11 months ago

Неймовірна атмосфера! Я вперше на концерті і це щось чарівно-прекрасне неначе всі енергетичні потоки всесвіту були присутн Енергія вливалася в кожного🤩грала своїми неперевершеними акордами, наповнювала ,била фонтаном веселки 🌈зачаровуючи нереальною гармонійною вібрацією самої чарівної музики яку я тільки чула Низький уклін💙💛І щира подяка ВАМ ВСІМ💙💛 Ви моє найреальніше чудо ке я по бачила і відчула всіма потаємними куточками душі💙💛🌈🍀

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Tatiana Hetzel
3 years ago

Master Imram, I recently discovered you and your music. It's hard to find words to explain the feeling in my body when I listen to your songs, your voice. My sense of time disappears, and my gaze turn inwards to my soul. Hard to imagine what it would be like to hear you perform live. I wish you further creative success in giving us the Divine Universal Sounds.

Imram Kriya
3 years ago

Tatiana, thank you for your feedback! We look forward to seeing you at IMRAM live concerts!

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