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Yoga and spiritual development for mother and child


12 April 2024

A frequent question I encounter is whether a woman can practise yoga during pregnancy. The answer is unequivocally yes; not only can she practise yoga, but she should.

Yoga, in this context, is a broad concept. For instance, a pregnant woman preparing lunch for her husband is also engaging in a form of yoga. In doing so, she imparts to her child the understanding of how to treat their future spouse with care and respect. This is very important.

It is crucial to note that during pregnancy, a woman should avoid complex asanas and uncomfortable positions, particularly in the later stages when such practices become impractical. Instead, the focus should shift to mental-emotional control. Practices such as pranayamas, various breathing techniques, and gymnastics are highly beneficial.

When a woman practises yoga during pregnancy, her baby absorbs these qualities, as the child is deeply connected to their mother. Although the baby initially receives an impulse and knowledge from the father, these awaken later. From birth, the child is closely linked to the mother, and her internal state, emotional background, behaviour, mindset, and habits significantly influence the child both before and after birth.

The mother's influence largely shapes the child's nature and consciousness.

For a woman practising yoga, it is vital to imbue her baby’s consciousness with elements of higher consciousness, ensuring the proper formation of the child’s body. Mental strength, a potent energy, greatly affects the child’s mental-emotional and physical well-being. This approach is profoundly beneficial.        

Therefore, it is essential for parents to pursue self-development and prepare to welcome a high soul into their lives.    

Master Imram 

#maternityyoga #motherchildbonding


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