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Alchemy of the body

Science of Kriya

10 March 2024

You wake up late, though you needed to rise early. Realising that half the day is already gone, you find yourself unable to accomplish everything you planned. Despite getting out of bed, you struggle to fully awaken. This is a widespread issue in the modern world, where many people stay up all night chatting online, browsing the internet, or watching TV. This is an all-too-common scenario in the life of the average person.

This does not mean, however, that all your efforts will end in failure. Although this reveals a lot about your uncertainty regarding what to do in life. Time is the most powerful Master, shaping our lives according to its will. To truly benefit from the alchemy of the body, we must learn to manage time effectively. Yet, this is not about waking up early and adhering to a regimen that supports the alchemy of the body. It is about transcending the constraints of time itself. This is very important.

First and foremost, it’s essential to recognise that you are not the body. It doesn’t mean, however, that you should neglect your body or your existence. Rather, it means that you are the sublime spiritual power that shapes this body. Embracing this principle will transform your perspective and attitude. This is an aspect of external alchemy.

On the journey towards higher transformation, encompassing both the evolution of the body and our overall existence, deliberate action is essential. Today, numerous methods for transformation are available. According to the yoga of the high path, the most effective method is the science of Kriya, that involves performing actions with complete awareness. The key aspect here is aligning your mental plane to ensure you consistently maintain the chosen level of awareness.

External and internal alchemy


I distinguish between two types of practising alchemy: external alchemy and internal alchemy.

This article focuses on external alchemy, which implies the transformation of our physical bodies. This is particularly important for those who wish to remain in this body for as long as possible. External alchemy enables individuals to cleanse the body. The cleanliness of our inner house starts with pure thinking, pure breathing, and healthy diet.

External alchemy requires that we establish at least the simplest routine.

We are continually influenced by universal laws of nature and biological rhythms—mechanisms that allow our bodies to adapt to changing life conditions.

When discussing the transformation of the body, it’s essential to remember that we possess not only a physical body but also etheric, astral, mental, causal bodies, and a spiritual body from which everything emerges. We originated from the spiritual realm but have forgotten this origin, now living with the conventional mindset of a person deeply attached to physical existence. To effectively transform our bodies, we must gain control over the etheric plane, which encompasses all aspects of our bioenergetics.

Mental attitudes

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To attain our desired goals—whether they be supreme joy, elevated qualities of the soul, or both external and internal well-being—we must overcome numerous obstacles. These obstacles are linked not only to natural phenomena and social conditions but also to our inner attitudes, which are partly shaped by an incorrect perception of oneself and life.

A crucial component of external alchemy is the mental attitude which encompasses our beliefs and thoughts we should take control of.

The first mistake people often make in their attitude towards the world is the belief that engaging in spiritual practice requires a complete renunciation of material pursuits. Since entirely abandoning material needs, such as earning a living, is impractical, they conclude that spiritual practice is unattainable. This is the simplest belief of those who don’t want to think about how to improve their life—during one lifetime. All the programmes a person encounters in their myriad incarnations are fundamentally identical. The external world may change, but the mindset characterised by principles such as “me, my, I love myself, I am the best, I must survive” remains largely unchanged.

It means we need to alter our attitude towards this life. If we do not change our attitude towards life and fail to reconcile the social with the spiritual, achieving meaningful progress will be extremely challenging. We will find ourselves perpetually engaged in practice, only to dash into the external world to address our external programmes, all the while longing to retreat into meditation or another technique.

Important aspects of external alchemy

After adopting a correct mindset, we should focus on proper breathing, healthy diet, and quality sleep.

A contemporary person often does not fully rest even while sleeping due to persistent thoughts and bodily tension preventing complete relaxation. It is crucial to learn to relax fully before sleep, with techniques such as yoga nidra or savasana being particularly beneficial. At night, specific brain structures involved in blood formation are restored, and the blood itself is renewed during this period. Therefore, it is essential for a person to sleep at night—in complete darkness—and to wake up with the sunrise. Considering these biological rhythms is important for maintaining good health.

Another important point here is how we wake up. Don’t spring out of bed as soon as you open your eyes. When you wake up, stay in bed for a while to perform savasana. In the morning, you can quickly build up your daily energy potential by becoming deeply aware of your body and directing energy to all its parts. Tensions in the body result in wasted energy and a shortened lifespan.

According to natural biological rhythms, the morning is an ideal time for brain restoration. Meditating in the morning is highly beneficial. If, during this period, people continue with their usual routines and forget their true selves, they squander their vital life force.

Society continually presents us with a myriad of different ways to live, making it challenging to adhere to a consistent regimen. Spiritual practice serves as a valuable counterbalance to such a lifestyle. During rest periods, it is advisable to engage in some techniques for at least half an hour. For example, practising pranayamas can cleanse the body, enhance your energy system and field, and diminish both energetic and informational influences on your body. Our task is to learn to align the energy within the body.

The Kriya method offers techniques for energising the body through both sitting and standing postures. They are known as the 42 Kriyas and facilitate the transformation of the body. We perform an action on the physical plane that works on the etheric plane. These two bodies are closely situated, adjacent to each other. When we focus our energy on transforming our etheric body, it will promptly produce a transformative effect on our physical body.

The fifth aspect that requires control is the transformation of sexual energy into elevated spiritual qualities. If you have a partner, it’ll take both of you to transform it. If you have no partner, it’s essential to transform this energy, because if you dissipate it, your body will wither fast.

Remember, it is not impossible to gain control over everything all at once. You can focus on external aspects of alchemy such as “thinking correctly,” “speaking correctly,” and “acting correctly,” thereby becoming the master of your thoughts, words, and actions. Approach every action with full awareness, keeping in mind your intended goals. Set the intention: my life should be structured in a way that allows me to achieve my goal within a single lifetime.

 Master Imram

#transformation #kriyayoga #kriyayoga #mentalattitude #spiritualpractice #rightmindset #meditation #42Kriyas


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