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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

Beginning of Imram’s creative path. “I was probably three years old, I had a pioneer drum and a record player. I used to play records and drum the rhythm with the drummer. From this my parents understood that I had an ear for music. I liked melodies, I sang them by myself hitting the right tonality. Parents thought that they should send the child to music school, if that’s the case. But music school wasn’t until a few years later. I joined the music school when I was formally accepted there. Аirst day of the first year of school. Once again. We are talking about many reincarnations here. I used to visit my relative. They lived nearby, probably a kilometer and a half. I played the instrument as I could myself. She had a piano. But they didn’t let me play much. The actual performance was inside. I heard the sound, I heard melodies inside me. That’s how my musical creativity commenced.”


🎶 To learn more about Imram’s creative path and listen to his music subscribe to Imram Music social media.

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