DAY FIVE OF THE IMRAM KRIYA RETREAT. Energization of the body. 42 energizing kriyas have an important place in the practice of Kriya. Despite the seeming simplicity of these exercises, they do profound work, so it is important to master them correctly and understand the subtleties of performing them.
Practice at the Retreat allows you to repeat 42 kriyas and a deeper experience of the techniques with Khadizha’s explanations and under the supervision of Master. Khadizha tells in detail how each kriya affects the body, what changes occur in the cells if performed correctly.
✨ It is at the Retreat that many participants realize the depth of this practice and begin to understand how it works.
Energizing exercises are studied in detail at the Seminar. At the Retreat, we have time to work out all the important details, to discover the practice for ourselves.
42 kriyas work with the body and consciousness, fill with energy, give the opportunity to rewrite negative programs and learn to feel energy.
Dear friends, we wish you all a mindful immersion in practice and new discoveries!
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