Affirmations are words that leave an impression, that leave certain traces, like the realization of something. Another matter is that we must understand how these phrases can, leaving an impression, influence our destiny. Some people, in pursuit of money, in pursuit of the realization of certain desires, begin to exhibit these phrases. They say them repeatedly, because they want to fulfill this desire. But at the moment when this desire, perhaps, will already begin to manifest itself, their life changes, and their understanding also changes. So it turns out that at this moment people jump from one state to another, and having energetically set the mechanism in motion, this energy requires realization. This is also not a very correct approach. This can lead to blocking of some programs in the subconscious. Therefore, one must be careful with this. As they say, be careful what you wish for; you just might get it. Therefore, I believe that one must approach affirmations very carefully. In my understanding, an affirmation is that which elevates you, makes you higher.
Friends, we recommend you to watch the full version of the video “AFFIRMATIONS. The word as a transformative force”. In this video, Imram reveals the topic of affirmations in detail.
You will learn:
- what phrases influence our unconscious,
- how can affirmations be made to help in life,
- why positive thinking is important when making affirmations.
We wish you a pleasant viewing! May the tips you receive guide you towards a life filled with more joy and harmony.