Raising a teenager
From this video you will get lots of wisdom on raising teenagers, where Imram talks about crucial questions:
• Explains how a child’s behavior is shaped by their earlier years, emphasizing the importance of laying a strong foundation.
• At what age are the values that guide a person’s life established?
• What conditions foster respect between teenagers and their parents?
“If a child sees his/her father as a friend, he/she will follow him. Along the way you can find common ground or even redirect a child, if needed, but first you must walk with him/her.” (Imram)
Additionally, the following topics are discussed in this new video:
• How nutrition and information impact mood swings in teenagers.
• The ancient Russian tradition of seeking blessings from parents.
• The true causes of generational conflicts.
• The consequences of entering marriage and having children for reasons of convenience.
Enjoy the video! May this guidance bring more understanding and awareness to your relationships with your children.
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