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- Tantra — the way to God
Tantra — the way to God
Science of Kriya
15 November 2023
When people talk about tantra, they often think of it as a sexual practice. Nowadays, in the West and in the modern world in general, it is common to simplify everything. Try to figure out what a High Science such as tantra really is.
Tantra is the science about God, about the sensations that arise from the presence of the Higher, from practicing the presence of the Creator. Tantra Yoga is actually the highest contact with divine energy. It is interaction, it is the feeling and perception of divine higher ecstasy. Tantrism is an aspect of Unity through the sensations of perception.
Tantra is the Unity and the experience of everything that happens in the moment of feeling the perception of the Higher.
Kriya is a science that encompasses all kinds of sciences. It is a Cosmic Law. Kriya combines three very important yogic aspects at once – they are mantra, yantra and tantra.
Tantra is the highest degree of experiencing God’s presence in everything. Beyond the mind, beyond the ego-personality and our lives.
Tantra is the way to God. Tantra is an all-encompassing, very high feeling in which the Creator is present, and it is a very spiritual state.
Master Imram
#tantra #tantrayoga #meditation #divineenergy #spiritualstate
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