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- Types of human consciousness
Types of human consciousness
26 September 2022
There are several types of human consciousness. A person on the first level, if he or she ever appeals to the High, then rarely and only in order to obtain something for themselves, and, having obtained what they want, they forget about Him.
The second level of consciousness is when one wants to get something, for example, wants to become rich, successful, and when appealing to the High, they do not think about Spiritual planes. In fact, they want to enjoy themselves in material nature. The Creator gives them this opportunity, but their suffering does not end.
The third level of consciousness is religious, when a person says: I understand that suffering does not end, I understand that wealth does not bring happiness, so I strive for Unity with God, I pray to Him and hope that He will support me through life and that everything will be fine with me. At the heart of the religious principle is fear, which drives the need to pray.
And there is a fourth way — a fourth level of consciousness. This is a person who is conscious or walking on the path of consciousness. It is a spiritual coexistence, a spiritual practice that allows one to reduce the distance between the Creator, the “Higher Self” and yourself.
Each person is a Universe
We have a huge number of manifestations of life inside us, a huge number of energies. This Universe resides inside the bigger Universe. We call it our life, but in reality it is the body of life. And the body of life suffers in the same way as this body suffers because they are connected. You feel cold, heat, hunger, pain and so on with this body. You feel mental suffering, anxiety, and various fears with your more subtle bodies.
Suffering does not end if you take actions towards destroying your nature, actions that lead to unfavourable results. There is a cause-and-effect relationship. The law of karma applies to a person who destroys the existing world order by their actions.
In Kriya, you do actions that lead you to what you want. But the suffering doesn’t end if you act unconsciously.
Master Imram
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