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What makes a child afraid?


25 October 2022

Typically, children tend to be highly impressionable. Owing to this they have a lot to process, so at some point various fears start to emerge from their subconscious. Furthermore, a child’s subconscious mind remembers past lives. Likewise, any information from the outside, including scary cartoons, can provoke a state of fear.

Another reason for fears is that children can see the astral plane. They generally see everything before the age of six or seven. Monsters inhabiting the astral plane, beasts who manifest themselves somehow, are seen by children in the subtle world. These monsters scare them, and when a child is frightened, he or she releases the energy that the monster feeds on. Scary cartoons are based on this idea. Their creators take images from the lower astral plane. In other words, there are indeed similar creatures in the lower astral plane, who are interested in entering the physical plane by any means. People often guide them through themselves.

When someone draws this image and introduces it virtually into the physical world, people become afraid, and the image, which exists in the astral plane, can easily pass into the physical plane. A corridor of sorts is being formed, signalling it has been imagined here; so, the prospect of admission into our reality emerges. This is where the kriya yogi can appear and immediately seal it back in.

How to protect a child from fear

As far as scary cartoons are concerned, you have to let your child know that it’s just a cartoon and that its events and its characters are not real.

If parents establishes a field of goodness, a protective field for the child, and the child feels this safety, then they know they don’t need to be afraid. Even if a child is afraid of something, once they talk to their parents and feel their strength and protection, they will no longer be afraid and react in such a way.

Master Imram


#childrensfears #thechildisafraid #fearinchildren #overcomingfear


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