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12 April 2022

Affirmations work at the subconscious level, so this is a very important matter. There are affirmations, aimed at gathering strength, making money, in other words geared toward social life. But there are affirmations that work with spiritual aspects. Essentially, they are mantras.

For an affirmation to work, one must repeat it many times while adhering to certain conditions.

When and how to recite affirmations

Affirmations are effective when recited in the transitional state of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness. The best way is to learn to enter a deep state and recite affirmations in this state consciously rather than mechanically —then they will work.

We often fail only because our thoughts are different from what our subconscious mind tells us. It’s our subconscious mind that shapes our life. This is why using affirmations is a good way to reach out to the subconscious and change whatever we want.

It’s very important to believe in what you do. If you don’t believe, it will be a long process. You should believe in what you do, and your subconscious will react quickly.

Examples of affirmations

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There are so many things in our subconscious that it’s impossible to find affirmations for all cases. It’s a good idea to use affirmations that awaken your willpower. For example, “I am strong-willed” or “I am fearless.” When wording an affirmation, use the present tense and avoid negations like “no” or “not”, as if you are already where you want to be at the present moment — this is important for the subconscious.

The initial word should be “together” if you wish to reach out to the subconscious. Then you say whatever it is you want, sealing it with “now” as the final word. This is important point.

If you want to get rid of the internal discourse, use the word “close.” You must say the following: “close together now”, and you need to do so many times. If you want to develop your telepathic powers, use the word “between”: together between now. This won’t make sense for your mind, but it will work perfectly for your subconscious mind. If you want to obtain or get something, the word “find” will do just fine: together find now.

If you want your back to be straight, say “together”, your surname, the required affirmation and the word “now”: together surname always svelte now. Thus you give an order to your subconscious, and the subconscious gives this order to your body.


The best affirmation

Our task is to awaken the Divinity within us and change the world through this Divinity because our ultimate goal is to spiritualise material nature. When you practise the presence of the Creator from head to toes, it’s the best affirmation at all times throughout the Universe.This is because the Creator Himself works with you. He gives you exactly what you need in the amount you really need, and you fully trust the process.

Complete trust in the Creator is the best affirmation, or best mantra.

Master Imram

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