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Body Energisation

Self-conscious force

In Kriya yoga practice, there is such a thing as “Energisation of the body”. It’s not just pumping yourself full of energy. When we appear in space, we are already this energy, which has great potential, but it cannot be manifested, because there is no self-conscious force in it.

It is very important that you understand this. There is Energy of the Spirit, the original creative Force that creates worlds, creates universes… It is Transcendental. It is the flow of the divine Love that gives life to everything that is manifested, everything that we see and feel… It is also Prana, a more material force that contains all the qualities of the Higher.

The Prana life force

Prana is the five types of energy, the five forces of the universe, the five elements, and all of them are in us… Prana has become the body….. prana, the energy that forms the body, is gathered in us.


But prana, the life force from which all other forms arise, is not self-aware, therefore, our body cells are also not aware of their high nature.

Prana, in fact, carries knowledge about the Creator, about the Universe, while this energy ‘sleeps’. The energy of the Spirit always manifests as self-aware energy.

Our atoms, our neurons, our molecules, our cells, need to be more aware of themselves than they are now.

Accelerated evolution of the brain

The human spine, containing the spinal cord, develops during the practice of energisation, and thus becomes a conscious thinking substance, similar to the brain.

A person who practises Kriya Yoga evolves very quickly. This occurs through unlocking the qualities of the brain, medulla oblongata and spinal cord. We take a closer look at these processes at the Seminar. See Kriya Seminar

Each one of us has the opportunity to reach a fairly high level in one lifetime. With intensive practice, if you practise regularly, you can achieve very great heights and come to Realisation within one lifetime… Achieve Cosmic Consciousness!

Body energisation

When the central nervous system is connected to the periphery, we feel our body parts well. We do not feel them for the sake of feeling the body, arms or legs, but by applying special techniques of energisation, we transform this energy into a high quality.

By energising (magnetising) the body, we direct our attention to certain areas, with the goal of transforming them at the atomic level. Thus, our atoms gradually-quickly become self-aware and wake up from sleep. This is the quantum shift, or jump.


Yoga allows you to stop all the changes occuring in the body. Changes are a variety of energy (life force) losses.

We need to clear the mind, awaken the neural connections and open the nerve endings to have good conductivity in the body and to allow this energy to interact with us again and again, but Consciously this time!

This energy, the spatial force, the greatest power of the Spirit, Shakti energy, where the Creator Himself is Present as a Universal Force. We have the opportunity to awaken this absolute creative Force for the Greater Good…

Body transformation

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