Beginning of Imram’s creative path. Part 5 “Nowadays, you can master any instrument if you want to. All it takes is a little bit of time. Today, these are keyboard instruments. All of them. They are different. String instruments, except violin and cello. Brass instruments. I can’t say I’m a professional in every other kind of instrument. I may not even be a professional when it comes to my major instrument, the keyboard. I believe that proficiency implies virtuoso mastery and sense of sound, and so on. I play as I play. Bass guitar, guitar, all kinds of percussion instruments. What else is there? I used to play the alto trumpet, I actually managed to master it. But it’s all to be brought up now. I haven’t played the trumpet for many years. What else? National traditional instruments, whatever they are. It is so by far. Most importantly, I know how to play the strings of the soul.”
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