DAY SEVEN OF THE IMRAM KRIYA RETREAT. Team. Each time there are more and more people wishing to participate in the Imram Kriya Retreat and Seminar. We, the Imram Kriya team, are glad that so many people are embarking on the path of self-development. And we’re happy to help along the way and grow with you.
While most of our team is behind the scenes, these are the people who organize all the events, talk about them on our channels, answer questions by phone and on social media, prepare the space and take care of each participant. Part of our team is currently at the Retreat, guys are practicing and helping others.
We are all from different cities of the world, but we are united by Kriya, friendship, the desire to grow and develop. We would like to say a big thank you to all the team members!
Friends, each of you is also part of our big team. Thank you for your trust and for being together!
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