How the Kriya seminar helps on the path of self-development
When we get ahead on our spiritual path, positive change occurs in every realm of life. For instance, after the seminar, some participants observe an improvement in their health. Many people naturally and easily give up years of bad habits.
“I have had many cases where people with 40 years of smoking just couldn’t smoke after the seminar. They didn’t understand what was going on. That said, none of them were told during the Seminar that you were going to stop smoking at that moment. Just as a result, a person’s ailments disappeared, they stopped smoking. Some people quit drinking. Some people are cured of severe karmic incurable diseases right after the Seminar.”
Master Imram
Dear friends, we invite you to the next seminar on November, 25-26 in Berlin, Germany! The seminar in Berlin will be held with simultaneous translation to English and German languages.
This is an opportunity to undergo training, to receive the 6 of the 7 stages of Kriya from Master Imram.
To register for the seminar follow the link
We look forward to seeing you at the seminar!
#kriyaseminar #masterimram #kriyayoga #kriyayogaseminar #kriyameditation #selfdevelopment #kriya #imramkriya #kriyaimramseminarberlin