Maria – I just want to be happy. I want to live in it
Retreat reviews
8 December 2023
Tired of material tasks and desires, Maria felt a strong need for spiritual practice and expressed her intention through prayer. The answer to her plea came via social media in the form of an invitation to the Imram Kriya retreat. Without hesitation, Maria immediately purchased a ticket from Almaty to Sochi.
“I’ve come to this all in a very mysterious way. I just trust this power. I know that if it happened like this, if it was the way it is, I don’t have to judge or consider whether it is good or not. I came here with a thankful heart. It’s really comfortable here. Good people. Nice energy. It’s all perfect for me here.
As to the outer world, I’d love to have a family very much. As to spiritual things, I just want to be happy. I had, and I still have, this feeling, but I know that my mind takes me so far away from this, while I want to live in it. I don’t have an idea of enlightenment. Of course, if I reach it, it will be great.
But I’d rather want to win over my mind, which is yet so very strong.”
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