Program of the Soul (Part 1)
23 December 2020
“Right now, it’s better to base yourself on the inner perception of Divinity within yourself. Babaji Kriya is based on this truth. Lahiri Mahasaya and other Self-realized Masters talked about the same thing. When a person realizes this truth, he will understand that everything around him develops as a result of his inner being. Still, there is karma: karma of mankind, karma of the Earth. There is also karma of the country and of the city. Besides, everyone has his or her individual karma. We are influenced by all of these factors.
So, a person who practices sadhana regularly, and one who practices prana-karma (special sadhana, performed on the high stages of Kriya Yoga), – will quickly destroy all the aspects of karma. Thus, he will get beyond control of karma…”
About Master Imram
For more than 20 years, Imram has been visiting different parts of our planet. He spent a lot of time in India, doing Sadhana (Sanskrit: समाधि – «means towards some end»), or – Yoga practice. Owing to his long-time practice of Yoga, Imram has attained Oneness with his Higher Self. In the Science of Kriya this process is called Nirvikalpa Samadhi (where Nirvikalpa means: the highest state, beyond time; samadhi: wholeness, union, accomplishment, fulfillment. In the word Samadhi syllables mean: sa (so) – first cause, #transcendental; ma (maha) – great; dhi (dhiyan) – meditation, union).
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