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Imram Kriya 7 months ago

Yoga and spiritual development for mother and child

A frequent question I encounter is whether a woman can practise yoga during pregnancy. The answer is unequivocally yes; not only can she practise yoga, but she should. Yoga, in this context, is a broad concept. For instance, a pregnant woman preparing lunch for her husband is also engaging in a form of yoga. In doing so, she imparts to her child the understanding of how to treat their future spouse with care and respect. This is very important.


In the article “Yoga and spiritual development for mother and child” , Imram answers questions such as:

  • What asanas can be practiced during pregnancy?
  • Why is it important for expectant parents to engage in self-development?
  • What practices help maintain emotional control?

Follow the link to read the full article “Yoga and spiritual development for mother and child”.

We wish all mothers spiritual development and awareness! 💜

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Imram Kriya 7 months ago

Three powers influencing change in life

We can always change our life if we know how to do it. But in order to change it, we must apply a certain method that is universally present in all systems and schools where you use 3 powers. These are spiritual power, mental power and physical action. We can divide this into 4-5 powers. That is, the spiritual idea — the power of intention, the mental power as thought-form, the power of desire, the emotional plane, and physical action.



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Imram Kriya 7 months ago

If a woman is sitting in front of a mirror and is displeased with something, she mentally acknowledges her dissatisfaction, which is then reflected in her body and face. When a woman applies makeup while in a bad mood, she carries this negativity with her throughout the day. You may be thinking that it’s vital for you to entertain yourself, amuse yourself, and find at least some fleeting happiness in order to enhance the divine essence that you embody. One famous woman, a poet, was once asked the question: “Why don’t you wear makeup, like powder or another cosmetic product?” She answered, “I don’t want to tarnish this beauty.” There is indeed a significant amount of truth in this statement, that cannot be denied.


Friends, we invite you to watch the full video “Female happiness”

In the video, Imram discusses the beautiful half of humanity — women — and the aspect of femininity, inspiring In the video, Imram discusses the beautiful half of humanity — women — and the aspect of femininity, inspiring to understand one’s true nature and intrinsic spiritual strength.

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Imram Kriya 7 months ago

The premiere of the interview “Pertinent questions for Imram. Part 1” is today!

Join us on the Imram Kriya – Yoga YouTube channel at 5 PM UTC.

Watch new video

Imram does not talk about himself much – he is not interested in that. He usually speaks about us, the necessity of self-discovery and and deeper understanding, about how to embark on this path and continue along it.

Master’s focus is on helping and guiding others, not on self-talking. However, over the years of being a Kriya Master, being engaged in public activities, social media and often appeared in the information field, his audience accumulated many personal questions for Imram. Someone had to voice them, and such a person was found.

The one who dares to ask Imram these probing questions is not only a long-time friend but also an experienced interviewer. He is – Ilyas Akhmedov, Ilyas compiled the most frequently asked, sometimes blunt, cynical, and “simple” questions from social media comments and posed them with a refreshing combination of directness and warmth.

The interview touches on topics ranging from “Who are you, really?” and “How is it possible to eat only once a day?” to “What is it like to be in the state of Samadhi? What’s it like on the inside?”

Throughout the conversation Imram, strong and composed, does not shy away from any question. “Rather, he responds with kindness and simplicity, whether discussing cosmic matters, finances or even TikTok, all from the profound depths of his inner wisdom, his internal Himalayas.

This dialogue reveals insights that seasoned Kriya Yoga practitioners and advanced disciples may find reminiscent of their early teachings. Yet, these answers are essential for those who are not yet practicing or initiated, as they provide the foundational knowledge needed to start their journey.

Friends, we look forward to seeing everyone at the premiere! Feel free to ask questions in the comments, engage, and share your thoughts in the chat.

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Imram Kriya 7 months ago

Auto-suggestion during practice

“To reprogramme yourself and set new guidelines for your subconscious, you can utilise the principle of auto-suggestion, which also operates through the power of words. In other words, you persuade yourself of who you want to become or what you wish to achieve. This principle forms the foundation for many different systems. For example, there are monks in China and Tibet who practise auto-suggestion by identifying themselves with an image they aspire to and aligning themselves with that ideal.”


In the article “Auto-suggestion during practice”, Imram discusses the power of words, verbal influences, and the significance of the native language. The article also provides answers to the following questions:

  • Why are words with no true meaning introduced?
  • How do images and advertisements affect our subconscious?
  • Why is it important for practitioners to be mindful of their speech?

Follow the link to read the full article “Auto-suggestion during practice”  We recommend reading Imram’s articles as they contain valuable insights and enhance awareness!

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Imram Kriya 7 months ago

Where does parenting begin?

You see, parenting primarily involves self-cultivation, rather than cultivation of certain qualities in our children. Therefore, throughout the 9 months of pregnancy, it’s important to carefully and calmly monitor your thoughts, the way you think, how you move, and your gestures ensuring they are not mechanical or aggressive. People are different. Normally, a future mother should not experience depressive conditions. If they do occur, it indicates that she has been driven to this state.



#imramkriya #kriyayoga #imram #kriya  #parenting #pregnancy #yoga #conscience #selfdevelopment #yogaseminar #children 

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Imram Kriya 7 months ago

FEMALE HAPPINES.  Imram’s guide to inner harmony

How to maintain youth and beauty? What is the role of women in the family? What is important to remember in order to have a harmonious life and happy relationships?

In this new video Imram delves into the essence of femininity, addressing pivotal questions about the nature of women and the core of their harmony. This insightful video aims to inspire women to embrace their intrinsic spiritual strength and understand their true nature.

Watch the premiere today at 5 PM UTC on the Imram Kriya – Yoga YouTube channel

Imram emphasizes that a woman, with her love, can imbue her family and loved ones with happiness and prosperity. By focusing on positive thoughts and living as if the desired future is already here, your consciousness can reshape reality towards your dreams.

After watching the video, you will also learn:

  • Effective ways to nurture harmony within the family
  • The importance of preparing food with the right mindset
  • Essential considerations for raising children
  • Ways to reduce dependence on gadgets

May the insights you gain help fill your life and relationships with harmony, warmth, and understanding!

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Imram Kriya 7 months ago

How to cope with anger and other negative emotions

“When you slip into a negative state—a coarse frequency radiation—whether caused by outer environment or your inner life dissatisfaction, just stand up and go away. In such situations some people feel an urge to go out and walk down the street. This is a good idea as it helps divert your mind. It’s for those who are not aware of the great power they have.”


In the article “How to cope with anger and other negative emotions”, Imram discusses the nature of negative states and provides answers to the following questions:

  • What techniques can help you overcome negative states?
  • Why is it important to smile?
  • Why are negative thoughts more frequent in the evening?

Follow the link to read the full article “How to cope with anger and other negative emotions”.

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Imram Kriya 7 months ago

This is the story of a rural teacher who shares with us how, despite being in a wheelchair with a fracture, he was able to easily endure a challenging period by seeing the circumstances as an opportunity. Instead of claiming “why?”, he asked himself “what for?”. He dedicated this time to reading spiritual literature, practicing meditation, and believing in himself. As a result, Oleg’s condition improved faster than the doctors had anticipated.

Watch this exciting story today at 3 PM UTC on the Imram Kriya – Yoga YouTube channel.

Oleg shared how, during mini-retreat, he found new friends and like-minded individuals, and how he felt happy with the events unfolding in his life.

He admiringly remarked that even before he could attend the retreat, he had already found answers to many questions through watching the Master’s videos. At the end of the conversation, our hero shared the life purpose that resonated in his heart.

“Kriya Yoga is the study of oneself. Not just the body, but the Soul. For me, it is a research endeavor. I discover things within myself that help me in life, revealing my good qualities, which brings joy to me and my loved ones. Listen to your heart. All the answers can be found through self-exploration. Every person is perfect; you just need to pay attention to it.”

Follow the link to watch the video

May this story inspire us to continue the most important exploration in life – the study of oneself and bringing out the best within us.

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Imram Kriya 7 months ago

How to achieve peace in the hustle and bustle of daily life?

Let’s say we’re working and working and working, so when should we do spiritual practice? If we have a daily schedule, everything is planned from morning to night, but when should we live? Just live, enjoy life. So we need to change our attitude. Changing attitude means I am not practicing Kriya Yoga to achieve and then live a real life. I am practicing Kriya Yoga to enjoy, to realize the presence of the Highest in every moment.

We are practicing the presence of the Creator from our toes to our head. That is the main concept. And everything that happens to us is the good of His presence. All is for the absolute good. This happens when we understand the principle of how everything works. First of all, this is my personal experience. I know how it works. I really want you to achieve this. Because it will make you happy, at least at peace.



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The consciousness of the Master is Omnipresent and this Master is the Higher Self
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