“If your subconscious is filled with a huge number of unfulfilled desires concerning your life. You had expectations about many things, but you have lived your life differently. I am not saying this to make you regret how you have lived your life. No. But you do understand me, right? I can’t say what you feel out loud, here in front of everyone. You know it perfectly. Here is what’s important. Do not regret about something you didn’t do, about running out of time and so on, but realise that you didn’t need it. It will help you rise above it. You didn’t need it. If you needed it, it would have happened. What do you need now? Now you are here. You are here to gain knowledge. This is a very good question. It concerns everyone. Because things we are talking about are true for every person. Where you concentrate your consciousness, where your assemblage point is, what you will focus your attention on to change yourself— it all depends on your understanding and on your goals.”
Master Imram
