Letter to the Avatar. Sai’s Miracles. Humor of Sai Baba
25 August 2023
Who are the Avatars and when do they come to Earth? How many Avatars are known to mankind and who are they?
A NEW VIDEO on Imram Kriya YouTube channel Is dedicated to the amazing phenomenon of Avatars. In answering our questions, Imram will tell us:
– Who is Sai Baba, what is his power and why he came in the form of a human being
– What are the qualities of an Avatar
– How you can communicate with Sai Baba
– Why Sai Baba took letters from people with requests
– What are the differences between the Avatars Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswar and Sathya Sai Baba
– How objects materialize
– Where are all the things that Sai Baba materialized
– Are Sai Baba’s photos an amulet
– Why Avatars also get sick
– Imram will share his experience of meeting Sathya Sai Baba, tell amazing stories of miraculous blessings and share stories of the Avatar’s sense of humor.
Watch Imram Kriya video for self-development, share your practice experience and ask questions in the comments!
Sai Baba is a spiritual teacher and world renowned Avatar. Sathya in Sanskrit is Truth, Sai is mother and Baba is father. It is Mother and Father together as Truth. His teachings are addressed to all mankind irrespective of religion and nationality.
Sathya Sai Baba urged to strive for unconditional Love, peace and selfless service to every human being.
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