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Sergey Kamakin

Hello! My wife and I attended the mini-retreat near Moscow. It was called a mini-retreat because of its duration, but the inner duration was very long, because in this short period of time, we received not only new levels of self-knowledge, but also knowledge about the world as a whole. One thing we can say is that this knowledge is priceless. The atmosphere at the retreat is very special, where you can ask Master Imram and Khadija questions and get answers right away. We cannot describe our internal state, because it has to be experienced. We would like to thank all the organisers of the retreat, Master Imram and Khadija.

27 March, 11:43

I'm very glad to have been able to do this practice with Master Imram. I've been diagnosed with bronchial asthma. I could breathe freely and easily after meditation, and many things felt different in my body. Sometimes after meditation, I wanted to lie down and fall asleep, "reboot"... Many thanks to the Master and the team for the opportunity to change myself, to know myself.

27 March, 11:43

This is something extraordinary! I did not expect such an effect. It seemed to be just listening to music, but at some point, I realised that there was a semblance of space around me, my body had no boundaries, and the music sounded inside me, not because I was listening to it, but because it arose within me. As I remember this, my heart yearns to return there... Thank you! Thank you to everyone who has been involved in bringing this alchemy to us)))

27 March, 11:43
Lana Morozova

Thank you, Master Imram and everyone present at the meditation. What I experienced was very impressive. There was a feeling that I was everywhere, that I had dissolved, and at the same time, I was aware that I exist. This state reminded me of my childhood, when I had such feelings.

27 March, 11:43
Tatyana Zherdeva

I came to the retreat for the first time and I'm infinitely glad I did. I received an invaluable spiritual experience from practising with Master Imram and Khadija. Indescribable sensations, I already felt strong progress in my practice at the retreat. You get a tremendous amount of energy and attunement at the retreat, which stays with you for a long time, and you begin to realise where to go from here. Communication was so friendly, warm and cosy that I didn't want to leave. Huge, boundless gratitude to Master Imram and Khadija for the invaluable knowledge transferred.

27 March, 11:43
Elena Voytishenyuk

The concert is simply divine! Real Music of Light! The Master's works performed on the piano, as well as the violin, were especially touching! It tugged at my heat! I felt something like a spiritual cleansing while listening. Thank you to the Master and the team for this Light!!!☘️❤️

27 March, 11:43
Nataliya Grigorieva

Immense, limitless. I thank Master Imram, the very kind Khadija, the whole team and all the retreat participants. During our stay at the retreat, we became one family. Time flew by. We gained new experiences, new knowledge and answers to questions. I want to come back again even before leaving the retreat. Now I need to practise and wait for new meetings. Thanking each and everyone!!!

27 March, 11:43

Thank you for the meditation! I participated for the first time. A very interesting experience, unusual yet difficult, because I wasn't used to holding my attention all the time. Of course, not everything turned out as it should, but the main thing is to do as much as you can. Speaking of sensations, my body felt hot throughout the whole meditation! The sensations were pleasant on the whole, and I also feel that the meditation will gradually open me and transform me! For the Greater Good

27 March, 11:43
Larisa Dermicheva

I am thrilled that this retreat took place, although the same goes for the previous ones. I thank Imram, Khadija, the assistants and all the participants! The atmosphere was wonderful: along with receiving deep knowledge and new discoveries for myself, there was also a lot of humour and laughter, which relaxes and helps to assimilate the high information. The retreat provided an opportunity to get answers to many questions, take a fresh look at the practice and re-inspire Spiritual work. I wish everyone to advance towards the realisation that everything is the Creator and to achieve unity with Him. And the science of Kriya and Master Imram, who holds this science, will help us all!

27 March, 11:43
Julia Grinina

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Incredible lightness and airiness. I have been practising for a week now, and it was my sister's first experience. I thought she wouldn't last so long, but she loved it! She said that the body almost dissolved, we are both very impressed.


Thank you, Master! An amazing state after meditation ☺️ a state of goodness fills the whole being, new knowledge of the science of Kriya is revealed each time during this meditation, and self-knowledge methods are deepened. Each time, the Master conducts the meditation in a new way and it is always an immersion in the Divine, after which one feels a surge of strength, joy, a sense of goodness and calmness Heartfelt gratitude to Master Imram! ❤️

Worldwide Meditation
Basic Kriya Meditation Course
Kriya Nidra Course
Imram Music


2 months ago

So when you(Imram) say that life is destined, but it unfolds it a variety of ways, does that mean that those varieties are destined too, or the way you choose to accept or not whatever happens will change or condition the destiny. If so, we can't say our lives are destined, but the way we choose to deal with life and what happens influences our destiny?! Than You 🙏

Имрам Крийя
1 month ago

Hello Claudia, thank you so much for your question. Master says: "Everything is predetermined. But this "everything preordained" has a huge number of options, quantum uncertainties. And we live in this uncertainty, but we ourselves are something that in itself always exists, beyond that happens.." This topic is covered in video EMBRACING LIFE'S CHALLENGES: THE ESSENCE OF ACCEPTANCE by link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mwp8heO6O4Y starting at the 4th minute. "The way you choose to accept or not...the way we choose to deal with life and what happens " also exists in this quantum uncertainity.

1 reviews
elana carlson
3 months ago

I extend my gratitude to Dr. Eze Odogwu for his invaluable assistance in resolving the marital crisis I was experiencing. There was a point where I harbored doubts regarding the restoration of happiness between my partner and I, but through his intervention, this became a reality. For individuals encountering similar challenges in their marital or relational affairs, I highly recommend reaching out to Dr. Odogwu via email at [email protected]. It is noteworthy that he not only addresses such crises but also provides solutions to a variety of other issues. Dr. Odogwu distinguishes himself through his authenticity and direct approach, qualities that set him apart from other practitioners I have encountered.

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Elena Nazarova
3 months ago

С большим интересом присоединюсь к практике с Мастером. Чем больше погружаюсь в практикование медитаций, которые предоставлены в доступ на you tube, тем желание практиковать Крийя- йогу увеличивается. 😊 Благодарю за приглашение, друзья💖✨🙏 Всех Благ Мастеру и команде.🕉️💞🙌

4 months ago

Добрый день! а как убрать перевод на английский, не совсем слышу направления на русском, очень мешает.

Имрам Крийя
4 months ago

Добрый день! Отвечает команда "Имрам Крийя" 🙏 Вам нужно зарегистрироваться на медитацию, которая проходит на русском языке. Регистрация доступна на русскоязычной версии сайта. Переключить язык сайта можно в правом верхнем углу. Регистрация на субботнюю медитацию на русском по этой ссылке.

1 reviews
4 months ago


4 months ago

Every mini-retreat though it is miny is a vast experience and a life to live - it is a mistery and LOVE... O Life! Thank you so much for these wonderful presents!

Имрам Крийя
4 months ago

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Looking forward seeing you in Davos!

1 reviews
6 months ago

Absolutely agree with every word

Имрам Крийя
6 months ago

Thank you for your feedback!

1 reviews
6 months ago

Master Imram's thoughts penetrate deep into the consciousness. Weather hear them or read them. I feel blessed. Om Kriya Babaji Nama Aum🙏🏽

6 months ago

Yes, great idea! Let's practise altogether and more and more people will join!

Имрам Крийя
6 months ago

Thank you for sharing! Join us every Saturday at 10:00 a.m. for online joint meditation.

1 reviews
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