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Guided Meditation for Deep Relaxation – 25 minutes. Scientific studies prove that meditation has a positive effect on a person:
- Reduces anxiety and stress levels
- Slows down brain aging
- Helps you cope with a large flow of information
- Increases neuronal activity
- Improves well-being and mood
- Enhances concentration and productivity
- Normalizes sleep
Try a short meditation practice with Master. Sit in any comfortable position, you can sit on a chair. Most importantly, keep your spine straight – it’s something to strive for, but even if that’s not possible, it’s not an obstacle to meditation. All of the work is happening within you.
In this meditation:
- Attunement
- Correct body position
- Elements of energization and magnetization of the body
- Principles of concentration
- Awakening of the life force – prana
#meditation #practice #education #health #wellness #knowledge #energy #concentration #guidedmeditation #imramkriya
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12 October 2024
Sometimes kids are born not just to be brought up, but so that two people who’ve met can learn to love each other,...
24 July 2024
Чтобы ваши аффирмации были успешными, я советую записать выбранные фразы и слушать их в наушниках в фазах глубокого сна
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The method of auto-suggestion and the power of words are also employed by some scholars. I recommend exploring the phrases offered by Academician Sytin
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От мамы во многом зависит, каким будет ребёнок и какое у него будет сознание.
Science of Kriya
10 March 2024
Первое неправильное действие людей с точки зрения отношения к этому миру выражено таким образом: чтобы заниматься духовной практикой, мне нужно бросить материальное.
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