Weekly events
How to choose your method of spiritual development and what is the true purpose of yoga?
The new video “Evolution of the Soul. The Secret of Longevity. The Science of Kriya” on the Imram Kriya YouTube channel is dedicated to the philosophy of yoga. Imram talks about the goals of practice and how the Kriya method works.
Watch the video
From the video you will learn:
- What hinders us on the path of self-realization
- How to quickly become perfect and why
- How Kriya is related to other branches of yoga and how to combine them
- Why Kriya is a science and the laws that underpin it
- What are the seven stages of Kriya
- How the Sun helps to raise the level of consciousness
- Why Kriya yoga is an effective method of transformation at any age
Master Imram will talk about what happens at the seminar, what Initiation is, what techniques the participants receive, and how the lives of those practicing Kriya change. Friends, watch the video and receive the keys to self-development from Master!
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12 October 2024
Sometimes kids are born not just to be brought up, but so that two people who’ve met can learn to love each other,...
24 July 2024
Чтобы ваши аффирмации были успешными, я советую записать выбранные фразы и слушать их в наушниках в фазах глубокого сна
15 May 2024
The method of auto-suggestion and the power of words are also employed by some scholars. I recommend exploring the phrases offered by Academician Sytin
12 April 2024
От мамы во многом зависит, каким будет ребёнок и какое у него будет сознание.
Science of Kriya
10 March 2024
Первое неправильное действие людей с точки зрения отношения к этому миру выражено таким образом: чтобы заниматься духовной практикой, мне нужно бросить материальное.
15 February 2024
Start by observing the child: try to understand who has come into your life, who this child really is...