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Imram Kriya 6 months ago


If you’re trying to understand how to observe life properly – you have to understand how life is reflected in you. You can observe life through the reactions of the body. When an event happens, do you feel pleasant or unpleasant? When an event is about to happen, you anticipate something. It is an intuitive moment. When it happens, you rely mainly on the reaction of the mind, whereas it should be the other way round.

First of all we have to rely on the sensations in the body. For example, when I talk to somebody, people say that they have goosebumps right now, emotions. That’s right. Goosebumps are an indicator of the body’s reaction. That means it’s true. So it would be a good thing to rely on the body’s reactions.


We recommend to watch a full recording of a satsang with Imram “Psychosomatics and Kinesiology. Cellular Consciousness. Biological Age”

In this video Imram explains the influence of numerical relationship laws on us, why it’s important to listen to our bodies, how to slow down aging, and the meaning of the Bababji’s symbol.

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