Is it possible for me to participate in the Seminar, if I don’t have experience in practices? ✨ Friends, the Seminar in Moscow is coming very soon! We will meet as early as June 18.
Every day we receive a lot of questions about the Seminar. Today we will answer the most popular of them.
– Is it possible to come to the Seminar without any preparation?
Seminar is about learning techniques and mastering the principles of Kriya, it’s the proper way to launch your practice. Master transmits 6 stages of Kriya and important principles of practice at the Seminar. You will have a system of techniques to practice at home. You can come to the Seminar with any level of preparation.
– I’m an elderly person, is it too late for me to start doing Kriya yoga and can I handle the workload?
You can start developing at any age. Master says: “It doesn’t matter at what age, it’s important that you hear about it. There is no need to doubt, just start improving yourself.” No special training is required to start the practice. There is no serious physical activity and no difficult body postures in Kriya, as in Hatha yoga.
✨ Friends, we are always glad to see you at Imram Kriya events.
See you at the Seminar!🙏
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