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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

Friends, we would like to share with you the story of the participant of the spring retreat.

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Marat Abdrakhimov is a theater and film actor. Marat has been engaged in spiritual practices for many years and at some point realized that it was time to move to a new level of development. And for that, he would need a teacher.

Marat expressed his intention in meditation. The answer to the request was Master Imram’s video meditation on YouTube. Marat immediately decided to attend the seminar, after which he began practicing regularly and quickly saw the result.

“For the first time I felt that, indeed, there is no distance for energy. Master filled everyone with energy, with information. It was such a revolution inside, such a strong leap in transformation, in evolution, that this springboard was enough for me for half a year.

Then came tranquility and confidence, I stopped reacting to the little things that make us nervous in these turbulent times. That confidence is the basis of everything. Because for me right now, my whole life is built on the keys that Master gave us. I never get tired of saying it, what you have inside you, will be in your life, in your reality, on the outside. Therefore, if I am calm inside, if I am confident inside, if I feel the care, attention and security of the Creator within me, everything works out for me easily and effortlessly.

I felt that happiness is out there in the world, and it’s so simple, and it’s so easy, it’s so great. All it takes, is to open your heart, eyes, ears and put your trust, and things will happen.”

✨ Marat’s story and other reviews of the participants of the Imram Kriya events can be viewed on the YouTube channel  and on the Imram Kriya website 

We thank Marat for his openness, and we also thank all the participants of our events who leave feedback, telling about their experience and inspiring others!

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