Meeting with Master in Germany!
Live lecture is a unique encounter with Imram, an opportunity to meet Master in person and experience his blessing power.
“As a rule, after the lecture people feel inspired and enthusiastic. Such inspiration is necessary because it is something people are driven by. A Master leaves an impression in a person’s consciousness, an it allows the person to raise oneself to a higher level of understanding. Usually, a feeling of joy emerges in consciousness and people feel a desire to do something for themselves and for other people. It is a blessing or inspiration. If a Master has some qualities connected with the Onennes in Spirit, then this inspiration remains. After the lecture your good emotional experience is left.”
Master Imram
Each meeting with Master arouses inner dormant forces and stimulates us for further transformation. Consciousness is changing, our mind is being cleansed. Many things become clear. Feelings create a desire to develop further.
Friends, we invite you to a live lecture «Kriya – Mastery of Life» by Imram in Augsburg, Germany. The lecture will be held in Russian with simultaneous interpretation into English and German. Join us and invite your friends!
Date and time: July, 14 at 18:00 local time
Venue: Westhouse Augsburg, Alfred-Nobel-Str.5, 86156 Augsburg.
Buy tickets online – click here