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What differentiates desires from needs


30 May 2023

Desires and needs share common ground, yet they are distinct entities. Needs are essential for sustaining life and survival. When a person has to eat, it’s a need. But those who eat too much, are satisfying their desires that they have no control of.

The need to eat ensures nourishment for the physical body, to sustain life in this body temple. While the desire to overeat is driven by the temptation to pamper the body. In essence, it becomes a case of living to eat. Can you feel the disparity?

Ceiling on desires

When discussing desires, it is crucial to consider setting limits, or what can be referred to as the “ceiling on desires.” This ceiling represents what is necessary for an individual to function effectively in their current reality and gain valuable experiences. However, it is vital not to set the ceiling too high.


Sufficient food, money, possessions, and tools align with an individual’s needs. What does a scientist need for work? They need a laboratory, reagents, certain mechanisms, for example. They become wholly absorbed in their pursuits, driven by genuine interest. This becomes their prayer, as they work for the betterment of life and society. It’s not for praise that a true scientist works, they are interested in the process itself. This is their need.

Every person can contribute significantly to the world if they don’t overeat, if they don’t indulge these desires or pursue the many things that their mind craves for.

They who eat a lot become dumb and die soon. The life of that person turns into a limited, very constrained form of existence. Those who starve or don’t eat enough are always in the active phase. This does not mean that people should suffer from hunger: those who don’t eat enough, often suffer, they can’t fulfil their desires. Rather, it emphasizes the importance of consciously avoiding overindulging in desires that tempt you—strive to find the right balance.

Master Imram

#ceilingondesires #needs #wishes #consciousdesire #realizationofdesires #rightbalance

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