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Weekly events

Imram Kriya 1 year ago

What are chakras? What is the true colour of chakras? What are the principles of working with chakras?

✨ These questions are of interest to all those who practise yoga and focus their attention not only on the external but also on the internal, concealed aspects. In the contemporary world, everybody knows the word “chakra,” but what is its true meaning? Find out more in our new video on the Imram Kriya YouTube channel.

Watch the video by link

This is the first interview in the Chakra series by Svyatoslav Dubyansky, Kriya Yoga Master. The discussion develops around the basic aspects of this broad and important topic.

  • How can one make sure that chakras really exist on different planes up from the physical plane?
  • How are chakras linked to our psycho-emotional state and biochemistry?
  • To what extent is chakra functionality dependent on one’s evolution?

Master Imram will discuss the colour differentiation of the chakras and how they are related to various deities.

Dear friends, we invite you to watch our new video on the Imram Kriya YouTube channel, post your comments and ask questions.

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

Every soul sings…

Music can change us when it reminds us of what is important, when it connects the melody of our soul with the melody of the universe, and then they sound in harmony. Such music has the power to heal and make miracles happen.

Friends, we invite you to experience high artistic creativity. To inspire and transform yourself through music and ancient texts at the concert of Imram and Mariam. The concert will take place in Berlin on November 28. Tickets are available at the link.

We look forward to meeting you!

#soul #music #concert #liveconcert #inspiration #mantras #bhajans #inspiration #harmony #spiritualmusic #imrammusic

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

Be Happy!

The most important condition for lasting happiness is even-mindedness. Remain ever calmly centered in the Self, within. As a child’s sand castle disintegrates before invading waves, so does a restless mind, lacking strength of will and perseverance, succumb to the pounding it receives from the waves of changing circumstance.

A diamond, however, retains its strength and clarity no matter how many waves crash down upon it. The man of inner peace, similarly, his consciousness made crystalline by inner calmness, retains his equanimity through even the storms of mighty trials.

Paramhansa Yogananda

“How to Be Happy All the Time. The Wisdom of Yogananda, Volume 1”, Crystal Clarity Publishers, 2006

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

All mysteries unfold within… Friends, on October 14-15, the Imram Kriya seminar took place in Moscow. People from different cities and countries received initiation into the 6 stages of Kriya.

“I hope that these two days have not just passed for you. Let what has been imparted to you become central in your life, as it can rapidly transform it.

Remember that you are the embodiment of divine love. Always remember that your greatest instrument is your body temple, wherein all mysteries unfold. It profoundly influences the course of your life and is indeed the most powerful instrument in the hands of the Supreme.”

Master Imram

We thank the participants for their trust and commitment to self-development! May the power of the spirit, knowledge and practice change the course of your life.

#imramkriya  #kriya  #kriyayoga  #masterimram  #seminar #selfdevelopment  

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

Love, marriage, childhood traumas and the quantum field — this and more in a new video on the Imram Kriya YouTube channel.  Watch the video by link 

Master Imram will answer your questions and explain the following:

  • How to realise that it’s real love and what is karmic love
  • What does it mean to be a realised woman and how to reach this state?
  • Cases, when you don’t have to get married, and when you do.
  • Is it useful to learn foreign languages and why you should not forget your mother tongue?
  • Does the practice depend on geographical location?
  • How childhood traumas affect a person’s future and how to neutralise them
  • Which intentions are realised most quickly
  • How to identify the level of the Teacher

Dear friends, watch Imram Kriya videos for self-development, share your experience of practice and ask questions in the comments! We wish you an enjoyable watch and new discoveries!

#marriage #falseteachers #pastlifes #love #mindfulness #imramkriya #kriya #kriyayoga #masterimram #selfdevelopment #consciousness

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

Beauty is within everyone!

“When a person hears beauty in the sound of music, it shows that this beauty is reflected within him. The vibrations of spiritual music help to direct the listener’s attention inward…”⠀ ⠀


Dear friends, we invite you to the concert of Imram and Mariam, which will take place on November 28 in Berlin. With the sound of magical music in the vibration of mantras, you will feel the infinite beauty of the world and see the beauty of your own soul. To purchase tickets, follow the link 

See you at the concert!

#imramkriya #kriya #kriyayoga #masterimram #concert #berlin 

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

Early on in our journey of self-development, it is important to be clear about what we want. This is about the true purpose. It is crucial that the person understands what they really need. When certain tasks are set on the spiritual path, a person perceives something as one thing, but feels completely different inside, which is why there is contradiction. It takes people to understand their true primary purpose.

Master Imram

In the article “How important is self-development” Master tells about the first steps on the path of self-development. He gives answers to the following questions:

  • how you can choose a spiritual practice,
  • what books you should read,
  • how you can prepare your body for the intensive practice.

Follow the link to read the article “How important is self-development”.

We wish you to achieve your high goals!

#imramkriya #kriya #kriyayoga #masterimram  #books #selfdevelopment #spiritualpractice 

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago


Fear is a form of attachment. A strong attachment and a strong desire for this attachment to be realised rather than fade away. When a person does not receive what he truly desires, he begins to suffer. This suffering is remembered and he does not want to repeat it in the future.

And there’s the issue of fear. To ensure that this does not happen again. As a result, a person suffers throughout his life and, in fact, does not live, because he is not in the Cosmic consciousness. He is not in the “here and now” state. In this situation, I recommend that people use spiritual practise to halt their thinking process.

Alternatively, continue thinking in the direction in which it really needs to be done. To put it another way, learn to be present in what you’re doing in the “here and now.”

Master Imram


#meditation #fear #psychology #mind #mindfulness #imramkriya #kriya #kriyayoga #masterimram #selfdevelopment #consciousness

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

How to make an impact on your astrological chart, what to do with wishes that can’t come true, and why do yogis’ wishes come true?

You’ll get the answers to these questions and more in a new video on the Imram Kriya YouTube channel. Watch the video Illusion of the mind. Planetary influence. Forgotten desires. by link.

Master Imram will answer questions about mind, intelligence and body, and unexpected reactions in the practice:

  • How to change your astrological forecast? What does it take to do that?
  • What do you do if the people around you don’t accept you for who you are?
  • What is the difference between intelligence and mind?
  • How do you realise that the body is energy?
  • Why does aggression and tears come up during practice?
  • What to do with desires if you can’t fulfil them?

Master will give the shortest way to get free from karma and dharma, and will tell interesting stories about great yogis and Avatars.

Dear friends, watch the video and find the keys to self-development that Master shares with you!

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

Mantra that changes the world…

✨ The ancient mantra “Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavantu” holds the power of transformation. Translated from Sanskrit, it means: “May all the worlds be happy, may all beings in all worlds be happy!”

By wishing happiness to all, we harmonize both the seen and unseen worlds, bringing peace and tranquility into the life of everyone. Imram ends all his performances with this mantra.

Friends, we invite you to Imram and Mariam’s concert in Berlin on November 28th, where powerful mantras that can change one’s inner and outer world will be chanted.

To buy tickets follow the link

Come to the concert with friends and loved ones, help make the world a better place!

#imramkriya #kriya #kriyayoga #masterimram #germany #selfdevelopment #concertimram #concert

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The consciousness of the Master is Omnipresent and this Master is the Higher Self
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