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Weekly events

Imram Kriya 1 year ago

Sanskrit is a cosmic language… The one that is obscure to all yet so clear to everyone. Because there is spirit within everyone. It’s just that we have forgotten that language. Sanskrit is a cosmic language. It is the first language. There are several forms of Sanskrit. There is also Pali, another ancient language along with Sanskrit. It feels almost like a vibration, a sound. Modern Sanskrit is different from ancient Sanskrit. One can speak the language, but Sanskrit, the Devanagari gods’ language, both can and cannot be spoken. However, people do speak it. They chant mantras and speak other things. This is a conjunction of special sounds that provides very powerful transformation of consciousness.


🎶 To learn more about Imram’s creative path and listen to his music subscribe to Imram Music social media.

#sanskrit #vedas #spiritual #language #languagestudy #music #mantras #sound #soundhealing #imrammusic #imramkriya

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago


“Do you know how many chakras there are in the human body? All in all, there are 1,008 chakras. There are seven major ones that you know about. But do you really know anything about them? That is another question. All the rest are upachakras, the so-called minor chakras. Not the major ones. Again, there are seven major chakras that we work with. Six of them, from Muladhara to the Ajna chakra, are the most important.”

Master Imram

Friends, on November, 19 a lecture “Kriya – the perfect method. Keys to self-realisation” will be held in Zurich, Switzerland. This is a unique opportunity to meet with Imram, to get acquainted with the Kriya method and to practise together.

The lecture will be held in Russian with simultaneous interpretation into English.

To learn more and buy tickets follow the link.

#chakras #heartchakra #chakrabalancing #yogateacher #lecture #zurichevents #switzerland #imramkriya

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

Who are the Avatars and when do they come to Earth? Find out more in our new interview “Letter to the Avatar. Sai’s Miracles. Humour of Sai Baba.” on the Imram Kriya YouTube channel.

The video is about an amazing phenomenon known as Avatars.

✨Master Imram will answer your questions and explain the following:

  • Who is Sai Baba, what is his power and why did he come to Earth as a human being?
  • What attributes does the Avatar possess?
  • How to communicate with Sai Baba
  • Why did Sai Baba take request letters from people?
  • What is the difference between the Avatars of Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswar and Sathya Sai Baba?
  • The materialisation of objects
  • Where are all the things that Sai Baba materialised?
  • Are pictures of Sai Baba a talisman?
  • Why do Avatars get sick too?

Imram will share his experience of meeting Sathya Sai Baba, tell amazing stories of miraculous blessings and about the Avatar’s sense of humour.

Sai Baba is a spiritual teacher known throughout the world, the Avatar. The Sanskrit word Satya means Truth, Sai means mother, Baba means father. This is Mother and Father together as Truth. His teachings appeal to all mankind regardless of religion or nationality. Sathya Sai Baba urged to strive for unconditional Love, peace and selfless service to every human being.

🕉 To watch the video follow the link

Dear friends, watch Imram Kriya videos for self-development, share your experience of practice and ask questions in the comments!

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

Master Imram’s lecture in Switzerland!On November, 19 a lecture “Kriya – the perfect method. Keys to self-realisation” will be held in Zurich.

We invite everyone who has long been waiting for an Imram Kriya event in Europe! This is a unique opportunity to meet with Imram, to get acquainted with the Kriya method and to practise together.

The lecture will be held in Russian with simultaneous interpretation into English.

If you are engaged in self-development and are open to new knowledge, come to Master Imram’s lecture and invite your friends!

Location and time:
November, 19 at 12:00
Switzerland, Zurich, Paulus Akademie, Korinth Hall, Pfingstweidstrasse 28, Zürich. Location on the map

To purchase a ticket to the lecture, follow the link.


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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

“My head has always been my tape recorder…” I recall that I got my first tape recorder rather later in life. I was already 16-17 years old. There were simply no such opportunity before that. Therefore, my head, my mind has always been my tape recorder. We played what we enjoyed the most. As soon as I got a tape recorder, I naturally obtained all the records by Space and some other musicians, as far as it was possible at that time. I really liked Space. I have always been attracted to space music since childhood. Many years later, namely last year, I met Didier Marouani, the founder, leader, composer of the band. A man of genius. I talked to him. This was the end of youth, children’s creativity. I grew up listening to this band, I really enjoyed their music. I composed my own pieces. I had an instrument: my parents bought me a piano. We dragged it to the 4th floor. I played it. I composed and sang for myself.


🎶 To learn more about Imram’s creative path and listen to his music subscribe to Imram Music social media.

#music #inspiration #imramkriya #imram #kriyayoga #kriya #selfdevelopment #life #consciousness

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

Who are the retreats for? Imram Kriya retreats are for anyone who has completed a seminar, that is, received the Initiation – a system of the 6-step Kriya techniques.

During the retreats people deepen their knowledge of Kriya and, with Master’s help, gain their personal experience of the higher states.

The retreat program includes daily practice with Master, detailed study of Kriya techniques and communication at satsangs. Participants experience new spiritual states, learn to stop the mind and increase concentration, moving deeper and deeper into meditation.

“Often participants are so overwhelmed by new sensations that they get a bit lost, unsure how to begin, how to wrap their heads around it so that the practice is full and regular. There is a need for assistance – something that will allow us to assimilate knowledge and energy.

Retreats are needed to assimilate the Energy and Knowledge that one received at the first initiation and blessing during a 2-day Seminar”

Master Imram

Dear friends, if you have already completed the Imram Kriya seminar, we will be glad to see you at the retreat in Sochi! The 9-day retreat is very soon: it will take place on September 11-20 in Rosa Khutor – a place loved by many.

To register, follow the link.

🕉 See you at the retreat!

#meditation #consciousness #retreat #imram #kriyayoga #kriya #imramkriya

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

🕉 EVERY HUMAN BEING IS VERY KIND AT HEART… We can communicate with our minds. That’s what we do. But if we communicate with our heart, using our mind as a tool… Everything in this world will change. Things will be serene, equality and justice will be everywhere. We will never do harm to another person, we will never think badly of another person. This is because our hearts will be active. They will radiate kindness. Everybody is very kind at heart. But as soon as the mind is engaged, that kindness disappears.

Master Imram


Playlist “Emotions and feelings. How to manage emotions”

Watch the full video on Laila Sultankyzy YouTube channel

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

One who faithfully follows its technique is gradually freed from karma… Dear friends! We continue to introduce you to the books of realised Masters. Today we want to share an excerpt from Paramahansa Yogananda’s book “Autobiography of a Yogi”. Chapter 26. The Science Of Kriya Yoga

“The Sanskrit root of Kriya is kri, to do, to act and react; the same root is found in the word karm a, the natural principle of cause and effect. Kriya yoga is thus “union (yoga) with the Infinite through a certain action or rite.” A yogi who faithfully follows its technique is gradually freed from karma or the universal chain of causation.

“Kriya yoga is an instrument through which human evolution can be quickened,” Sri Yukteswar explained to his students. “The ancient yogis discovered that the secret of cosmic consciousness is intimately linked with breath mastery.”

Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, 1946, by Paramhansa Yogananda.

#imramkriya #kriya #kriyayoga #masterimram #selfdevelopment #spiritualliterature #yogabooks #karma

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

Dear friends, we invite you to meditate with Master Imram! A Kriya meditation practice, “The Unifying Power of Onennes” will premiere on Imram Kriya – yoga channel today at 17:00 GMT.

Set aside two hours, prepare yourself for the practice, sit in any comfortable position with your back straight, and meditate with Master.

✨Many of us are increasingly wondering how to remain calm in any situation, how to harmonise the space of our planet and the whole world, how to support those who need help, how to make the world a kinder place.

Meditation is a powerful and accessible tool for achieving universal harmony and peace. It is a tool for awakening of our consciousness and strengthening of our human values. It is scientifically proven: when meditating, you change not only yourself, your thinking and your consciousness, but also the space around you.

Let’s change ourselves and the world for the better.

🕉 Join the meditation today at 17:00 GMT at the Imram Kriya – yoga YouTube channel.

Dear friends, we wish you a successful practice!

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Imram Kriya 1 year ago

Satsangs with Master and Khadija – is everyone’s favorite part of the retreat, where each participant can ask their questions and get a detailed answer.

Imram shares his experience and gives personal recommendations. At satsangs participants can clarify the details of the practice, talk about their own spiritual experiences and get Master’s and Khadija’s advice. You can also ask your questions about health and nutrition, as well as about relationships and social realization.

“Satsang is a fellowship of people striving for a pure, luminous state. It is a true fellowship. At a satsang we, after summarizing the whole day’s practice, can get answers to a lot of questions, understand why we practice and how it works… There are many questions that people have about their personal experiences, family issues. We try to highlight them from the Kriya yoga point of view”.

Master Imram

Dear friends, we invite you to the next retreat on September 11-20 in Sochi! At satsangs you will have an opportunity to talk to Master Imram and Khadija and to ask your own questions.

To register, follow the link

#retreat #retreatsochi #satsang #imram #kriyayoga #kriya #imramkriya

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The consciousness of the Master is Omnipresent and this Master is the Higher Self
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