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How to start the practice of Kriya yoga

Science of Kriya

20 September 2021

First of all, it’s important to figure out what Kriya yoga is, to understand what you are going to practice, to know where you are headed and decide whether you need it or not. For that, you need to study literature and find information on this topic.

With regard to books, I advise you to start with “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda, or with “Holy Science” by Yukteswara Giri, or with some other book telling about Kriya Yoga. A lot of people were inspired by Marshall Govindan’s great literary work “Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition”.

Good literature makes it possible to connect with this teaching, but the real contact occurs when people come to a Seminar and receive knowledge exactly in the form in which it is given. At the Seminar, not just techniques are given – the work is done on very subtle levels, the structures of which need transformation.

How knowledge functions

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Sri Yukteswara Giri

Masters work at the level of energy, information.There is such a notion as transplantation of knowledge, or transfer of knowledge, assimilation of knowledge. Knowledge is energy. And when someone comes to a Kriya Yoga Seminar and says that he already knows a lot, it is clear that he has heard much, but knows little. Real knowledge is personal experience, feelings, it is a rise to a certain level of awareness.

Even simple actions are guided by a very deep meaning and our experiences, and it functions at three levels: physical, emotional-astral, mental, and Spiritual levels.

Kriya is when you fit three levels of consciousness at once into one level, into one action. Only then it is Kriya. Even if a person takes an online course or has seen 42 kriyas, they still need to attend the Seminar to understand the essence, structure, inner system, because these exercises are not just exercises. They deal with our psychology and psycho-emotional plane. If a person wants to see a significant advancement, it is very important that they get this lesson from the Master, because in this way they will receive energy that changes from within.

If you find exercises and techniques in books, watch or hear about them, it is also work, but it will require more time. It is hardly possible to find keys to understanding the depths—they are only given directly.

keys to understanding the depths—they are only given directly.
Paramahansa Yogananda

Kriya yoga as a life-changer

Transformation and changes in life happen regardless of whether a person practices yoga or not. Nature itself forces us to go up, to ourselves, inward.

But when a person does yoga, especially Kriya, they must be ready for transformation. When you practice Kriya Yoga, as you receive the transformation, you understand these processes and agree with them, you have a sense of joy that something is happening.

Moreover, often people who have attended the Seminar get rid of heavy karma. Thanks to the Knowledge they receive, to their inner work at the Seminar, they open up, and then the Universe helps them get rid of the heaviness. That is, if you are striving for awareness, you should be understanding and patient.

Master Imram

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