Natalya – When you follow your feelings, your life unfolds the best way possible
Retreat reviews
6 September 2023
Natalia spent years focusing on material wealth, personal success and career, until one day she realised that she had everything, but not happiness. When she realised that she was the cause of all the events in her life, her life began to change dramatically.
Natalia began to transform her life, changing her mindset, her attitude to herself, space and environment, studying herself and the laws of life through different techniques of personal development and spiritual practices. Gradually she changed her attitude to herself, to her feminine nature, to family relationships and to bringing up children. “For a long time my life was all about chasing after material possessions: money, real property, cars, career made the meaning of my life. This is how everybody lives, and maybe this is what everybody needs. And I kept pursuing these goals as well. But something seemed to be saying to me: you keep accumulating wealth, but it doesn’t bring you happiness. The key discovery that I have made in my life is that I shouldn’t yield to the reasoning of the mind, not to intellectualise, but to feel. When you follow your feelings, your life unfolds the best way possible.”
We thank Natalia for her trust and openness.
We also thank all participants of Imram Kriya events who leave comments and feedback, talk about their experiences and inspire others!
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