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the Personal Experience of Master Imram.
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1 pexels-karolina-grabowska Is it necessary to parent children?
12 October 2024
Sometimes kids are born not just to be brought up, but so that two people who’ve met can learn to love each other,...
DSC_3854-1 How do affirmations work?
24 July 2024
Чтобы ваши аффирмации были успешными, я советую записать выбранные фразы и слушать их в наушниках в фазах глубокого сна
DSC_5650_1 Auto-suggestion during practice sessions
15 May 2024
The method of auto-suggestion and the power of words are also employed by some scholars. I recommend exploring the phrases offered by Academician Sytin
pexels-kristina-paukshtite-3270224 Yoga and spiritual development for mother and child
12 April 2024
От мамы во многом зависит, каким будет ребёнок и какое у него будет сознание.
DSC_9011 - 1 Alchemy of the body
Science of Kriya
10 March 2024
Первое неправильное действие людей с точки зрения отношения к этому миру выражено таким образом: чтобы заниматься духовной практикой, мне нужно бросить материальное.
DSC_7145_1 Helping the сhild find their life purpose
15 February 2024
Start by observing the child: try to understand who has come into your life, who this child really is...

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Статья Важность дух практ 808 х 808 Importance of spiritual practice
You’re the future Masters. What can you bring to the world, what knowledge? You can come with personal experience.
1-19_09_327 Healing power of music
If someone does not like music, that shows how far he is from the cosmic vibration, from the infinite power of Love.
ARS_2181 Tantra — the way to God
When people talk about tantra, they often think of it as a sexual practice. Nowadays, in the West and in the modern world in general, it is common to simplify everything. Try to figure out what a High Science such as tantra really is.
DSC_3609 - 1 Dietary guidelines
It would be right if you ate when you were really hungry, not when the stomach wall programme or the appetite
e2858c1a-9aee-435d-9e32-fd527d3a1680rd Challenges of the spiritual journey
Stepping onto the spiritual path and walking it is not difficult for those who are praying or performing
f74893a3-1d07-4c75-b438-7688542b5f68 Parenting and child development
Creating a nurturing environment is crucial for a child's development, allowing them to receive everything they need while also understanding the importance of effort and achievement.
DSC_1503 (1) What differentiates desires from needs
When discussing desires, it is crucial to consider setting limits, or what can be referred to as the "ceiling on desires." This ceiling represents what is necessary for an individual to function effectively in their current reality
f39ba456-669a-4f43-a1fb-0dd886581c1b Sickness of our loved ones
Destiny often leads humanity on a winding path, ultimately guiding individuals to seek solace and connection with God within themselves. It is within, not external, that the divine presence resides, for He is here, ever present.
15e42a15-1c1c-46ff-8470-951fc7d8de34 The creativity of women and men
As an individual elevates their vibrations, transcends their ego, they progressively become more refined, lighter, and even more subtler, and transcendental powers that manifest through this person find expression in creativity.
378bfa6a-eb8f-4ba5-ba4e-da1bd04bbe2d Pranayama
Pranayama is energy that awakens, and our consciousness rises via chakras. When consciousness begins to awaken, kundalini does the same, and they meet.
The consciousness of the Master is Omnipresent and this Master is the Higher Self
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