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the Personal Experience of Master Imram.
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1 pexels-karolina-grabowska Is it necessary to parent children?
12 October 2024
Sometimes kids are born not just to be brought up, but so that two people who’ve met can learn to love each other,...
DSC_3854-1 How do affirmations work?
24 July 2024
Чтобы ваши аффирмации были успешными, я советую записать выбранные фразы и слушать их в наушниках в фазах глубокого сна
DSC_5650_1 Auto-suggestion during practice sessions
15 May 2024
The method of auto-suggestion and the power of words are also employed by some scholars. I recommend exploring the phrases offered by Academician Sytin
pexels-kristina-paukshtite-3270224 Yoga and spiritual development for mother and child
12 April 2024
От мамы во многом зависит, каким будет ребёнок и какое у него будет сознание.
DSC_9011 - 1 Alchemy of the body
Science of Kriya
10 March 2024
Первое неправильное действие людей с точки зрения отношения к этому миру выражено таким образом: чтобы заниматься духовной практикой, мне нужно бросить материальное.
DSC_7145_1 Helping the сhild find their life purpose
15 February 2024
Start by observing the child: try to understand who has come into your life, who this child really is...

All articles - Page 3

квадрат -1 How to introduce your family to practice
If your other half is not interested in self-development, waves aside your spiritual growth
1-квадрат How to breathe properly
Our task is to learn to slow our breath in order to breathe less than usual. On average, an ordinary person takes 20–25 breaths per minute, some people take 30 breaths.
1-квадрат How to develop superpowers
The subject of superpowers is quite a popular one because our ego
1-квадрат What is creativity?
When a person creates, one expresses the Divine...
808 х 808-1 The spiritual journey of a woman and a man
There is no difference between the spiritual path of a woman and a man, if that is we're talking about the essence
808 х 808-1 Why people don’t have children
Persons should prepare for parenthood. There exist special practices of spiritual transformation
808 х 808-1 How to start the practice of Kriya yoga
Kriya yoga practice begins when you study it on the mental plane
808 х 808 Why we get tired
If you feel tired when you wake up, it means that at night you were fighting against your body and your mind.
1-808 х 808 How to stop racing thoughts
A human being can never get rid of mind altogether. Doing so would make us silly.
808 х 808-1 Affirmations
Affirmations work at the subconscious level, so this is a very important matter.
The consciousness of the Master is Omnipresent and this Master is the Higher Self
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