Imram’s articles
A real treasure for the Truth Seeker
In this section, we present unique materials, with each article
the Personal Experience of Master Imram.
the Personal Experience of Master Imram.
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Self-development - Page 3

19 November 2021
For city dwellers it’s important to pull themselves together. The majority of people don’t know where their assemblage point is located. Their mental plane is so active that they walk, breathe and do things mechanically. People always hide behind different masks and forget who they really are—this is the most important thing.

5 November 2021
You can see prana when you practise meditation on Sound and Light, because you also develop centres that are able to see beyond the ordinary sight. It’s a matter of time.

23 July 2021
Depression is dissatisfaction with life. Dissatisfaction of your mind. This is the nature of the human mind: it is never satisfied, it is constantly seeking something new and tarnishing what it already has.

13 May 2021
If we think about what we need in this life - that is knowledge. Knowledge that helps a person understand how to do something right in his life.

23 April 2021
Many people distinguish between the material and spiritual being unaware that they are one. Of course we begin to realise the concept of Unity when we practise, when our consciousness evolve and we begin to feel what we never felt before.

18 April 2021
To free yourself from desires, you need to gain experience of realising those desires. Where did the idea that you need to fight desires come from?

11 April 2021
You could consider anyone an ascetic. In fact, an ascetic is someone who works on his attachments, is in Sadhana, and restricts himself in the name of high realisation.

8 April 2021
A person's energy is directly related to the energy of which that person consists. When we talk about the energy of a person, about the existence of energy, the aura, we are referring to the emanation of very subtle powerful forces which form the astral body.

8 April 2021
When you slip into a negative state—a coarse frequency radiation—whether caused by outer environment or your inner life dissatisfaction, just stand up and go away.

26 March 2021
Five universal human values are central to the society in which we live. Can we say that Spiritual Practice is the principle of telling the truth anytime and anywhere?