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the Personal Experience of Master Imram.
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1 pexels-karolina-grabowska Is it necessary to parent children?
12 October 2024
Sometimes kids are born not just to be brought up, but so that two people who’ve met can learn to love each other,...
DSC_3854-1 How do affirmations work?
24 July 2024
Чтобы ваши аффирмации были успешными, я советую записать выбранные фразы и слушать их в наушниках в фазах глубокого сна
DSC_5650_1 Auto-suggestion during practice sessions
15 May 2024
The method of auto-suggestion and the power of words are also employed by some scholars. I recommend exploring the phrases offered by Academician Sytin
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12 April 2024
От мамы во многом зависит, каким будет ребёнок и какое у него будет сознание.
DSC_9011 - 1 Alchemy of the body
Science of Kriya
10 March 2024
Первое неправильное действие людей с точки зрения отношения к этому миру выражено таким образом: чтобы заниматься духовной практикой, мне нужно бросить материальное.
DSC_7145_1 Helping the сhild find their life purpose
15 February 2024
Start by observing the child: try to understand who has come into your life, who this child really is...

All articles - Page 8

Art_desires_title May one suppress desires?
To free yourself from desires, you need to gain experience of realising those desires. Where did the idea that you need to fight desires come from?
Art_asketsitth_title Ascetics. Siddhas. Soul.
You could consider anyone an ascetic. In fact, an ascetic is someone who works on his attachments, is in Sadhana, and restricts himself in the name of high realisation.
Art_auras What is the energy of a person?
A person's energy is directly related to the energy of which that person consists. When we talk about the energy of a person, about the existence of energy, the aura, we are referring to the emanation of very subtle powerful forces which form the astral body.
Art_angerovercoming_title How to cope with anger and other negative emotions
When you slip into a negative state—a coarse frequency radiation—whether caused by outer environment or your inner life dissatisfaction, just stand up and go away.
Art_deseases_title Why do we get sick
Illness is a sin. Sounds odd, doesn't it? Health problems arise when there are contradictions between body and soul, between mind and Soul. Illnesses arise when a person is driven by the ego, by the mind and completely forgets about his true nature.
Art_KriyaInLife The Kriya Science in our lives
Speaking of self-realization in general, people, with the help of Kriya Yoga, can accelerate the process of their development even if they practice other spiritual directions.
Art_whypractice_title Why do we need spiritual practice
Five universal human values are central to the society in which we live. Can we say that Spiritual Practice is the principle of telling the truth anytime and anywhere?
Art_fearovercoming_title How to overcome fear
The instinct for self-preservation is embedded in every living being. An uncontrolled mind complicates these processes a thousand times more.
Art_whatisfear_title What fear is
Many psychologists say that any fear originates from the fear of death. This is a general belief. But ,if we look at this matter from the spiritual perspective, we’ll see that fear is a lack of a deep understanding of the principle of Unity, in yoga terms.
Art_karmaChildren_title How our karma affects our children
There are several types of karma. Speaking about children, there are various cycles and different levels of the Soul consciousness.
The consciousness of the Master is Omnipresent and this Master is the Higher Self
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